• Cast not your eyes, on the sight

    Of overwhelming light

    Ease instead, forgo your tread

    Float within the night

    Break from shore

    Become unmoored

    Drift endlessly away

    Wake will rest

    Bow parts the crest

    Come not what will, but may

  • From out the fog I did emerge

    Enlightened faintest spark

    Black and viscous bile purged

    The past nor future dark

    From whence I came

    I did not come

    To where I go, no place

    Each part that forms the total sum

    Eternal, not erased

  • Temper reactions

    Quiet the mind

    Discover dispassion

    Awareness refined

    Release the contractions

    Unclench and unwind

    Refrain from distraction

    Presence divined

  • The sun so bright, I want to stare

    Life too short, no time to spare

    Out of sight, so goes my mind

    I’ll take a chance, no risk I find

    Patient virtue? Forgo that fuss

    In me, this moment, I do trust

    Who knows, who cares, that’s what I say

    Forget the others, callooh, callay

    Why wait around, for safeties net

    Jump right out, I’ll take that bet

    Seems just fine, I want some fun

    Eyes wide open, I love that sun

  • Flourished phrases

    Carouse the pages

    Drunk from clever turns

    Paint wears thin

    Rot within

    When brevity is spurned

  • Unbound and unravel twines of time

    Threads of self to weave

    Cloth worn tight in truths will bind

    Threadbare facades deceive

    Where is the I that pretends to be

    There is no one that sees

    Self perception is deception

    Senses appear as me

  • Heated passion, stoked by lies

    Angry masses, hateful eyes

    Fog of fear, hides the truth

    Careless actions, blind to proof

    Powers grip, your leaders seek

    Fear of failure, masks the weak

    Thrashing hides, while grabbing reigns

    Horses trample, actions feigned

    Who are they, these blacked sheep

    Faithful following, those that reap

    Division sowed, by planted hate

    Violent ends, are what await

  • pitter patter

    flitter flutter

    floating on the breeze

    awash in nothing

    thoughtless wander

    head among the trees

  • Hold not tight the river's edge

    Though rocks and falls may lie ahead

    Drift along the current strong

    Now as then flows endless on

  • 1

    Break through hollow idol’s pride

    Tattered walls be breached

    Head held high while truth astride

    Love of life beseeched


    Upon the mantle idols stare

    Aware the idle cannot bare

    The greater truth which hides below

    Instead they trudge with fear in tow


    With reckless abandon I did proceed

    To fell the wild and restless steed

    Upon which rode a tyrant tall

    How grand to watch the mighty fall

  • Floating faster

    Looking down

    Wind swept hair

    Howling sounds

    Moving higher

    Swept away

    Free yourself

    From the fray

  • In due course, a correction

    Wander, meander, saunter

    Veer among the brush

    Astride, before and now

    Trodden soil, unearthed

    Shadows of the great felled

    Ground still cool and inviting

    Each step, a chance to sow

    Ceding then for now

    Walk on and create

  • 1

    From cradle to the grave

    The meek as well the brave

    Spurn gifts of time

    Their hopes aligned

    With ends that never save


    No fanfare awaits

    Or songs to inspire

    Our future with fate

    The day we expire

  • Daylight bleeds away

    Summer falls to winter

    Cold, dark blanket draped

    Heavy on my shoulders

  • Thou may one day allay

    Thine mind of fear’s decay

    Forgo a path

    Thou art a raft

    Float rudderless away

  • Pretty purple petals settle

    On the walking path

    Divined, thine eyes, to view this prize

    Whosoever hath

  • Who is the I that wants to do

    The me that tries to be

    Senses, thoughts, flowing through

    A space that is perceived

  • blind with passion

    truth worn thin

    proof now lashing

    thin orange skin

    lies belie

    shallow proof

    victims cry

    remain aloof

  • Mind relaxed

    Open and free

    Moments arise

    Sit back and receive

    Light and dark

    Silence and sound

    Feel the breath

    Body firmly aground

    Receive and accept

    Nothing given to take


    Do not hold

    Perception awake

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